Friday, May 27, 2011

Sketches from 2008

A few life drawing sketches from 2008...

Left-handed exercise

My brothers and sisters don't mind sitting still for me to sketch every now and again :)

My brother, Josh

One of my favourite things to draw since I was a kid!


An interesting exercise... I held the paper against my stomach and drew onto it looking only at my reflection in a mirror. My hand was going in all sorts of crazy and unpredictable directions. Fun! :)

To see more, visit my Picasa web albums...!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Introducing Simeon

There is a season for everything... and right now it's baby season! Simeon Emmanuel Tattersall is now three months old, and (being the first grandbaby on both sides) is loved to bits by his grandparents and all twelve of his aunties and uncles...!

I absolutely LOVE being a mum. The only problem is... WHERE HAS ALL MY SPARE TIME TO MUCK ABOUT DOING ART GONE??? :)